So I love a good story, but I truly love an adventurous person. Julie, Julie, Julie...two words, DREAM client! She came down to Florida on vacation,contacted me, and wanted to do a styled maternity shoot within the week. No dress, no time, no problem! I love a woman who knows what she wants, but is also laid back and ready to go at the same time. After the initial scramble to outfit a moody mother and child, maternity session in three days, we met on location in honestly what looked like perfect stormy sky, except, instead of the weather holding this time around, all H-E-double-hockey-sticks broke loose after about five frames of shooting! When I tell you we ducked for cover because the sky cracked, I'm not kidding! We were huddled with her family on the side of a sand dune while the babes stayed tucked in both our arms, and the hubbs kept his watch on his iphone weather radar.
Now, being a native, I truly felt there was no danger, just extreme photographer inconvenience! But, when little ones are involved all caution must be taken, so we made a run for it and spent the better part of an hour doing what I didn't have time to prior to this shoot, GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER! I love this woman and I envy her spirit. She has drive, and passion, she's direct and sweet and a great mama! She and her husband clearly get it and each other and I could have chatted for hours. After any hope of shooting that evening had passed, I looked at her and said, "listen I really want to shoot this, want to wake up at 6am?" Without hesitation, she AND the hubbs were all in!
I love low light and I love mood, but I found that JOY, JOY, JOY, at brightly-lit, sunny sunrise and even some harsh light can shower down with gorgeous emotive images. This turned into a family affair. Even the hubbs joined in a couple of times! God bless spontaneity!